
What is Dr Eri’s Intima Laser?

What is Dr Eri’s Intima Laser Without using a scarpel, new laser treatment that deeply approachs the mucosa to fascia, tightens the vaginal area, creates better function,with anti aging effect.

●The ultimate solution Safe and Effective Gynecologic Laser
High and accurate vaginal treatment compared to former treatments, enables to tighten the deeper part of the vaginal area
●Anti aging treatment for the vagina (tightning・prevention of dryness)
By irradiating inside the vagina,feeling the treatment effective as it helps gain back the lost collagen from aging, regains youth of the vagina, and prevents dryness.
●Tightens the Uretha・effective for urinal leakage
Not only to treat anti aging for the vaginal area, by changing the angle or method of irridation,effective for tightening of the vaginal area and urine leakage
●No pain and Downtime
No burns and internal bleeding, highly safe treatment. As it is safe to raise up to 60 degrees inside the vaginal area without feeling pain, high temperature laser treatment is posssible

Improves symptoms such as !

  • Anti aging of Gynecological
  • Improves urine leakage
  • Prevention of gynecological diseases
  • Descent of the Ovaries
  • The weakning shrinkage of the sphincter within the pelvis
  • Dryness within the vagina
  • Uncomfort and pain during sex
  • Loosening inside the vagina

Our speciality

Eri Clinic Omotesando Highlights

poin1Consulatation conducted under our Director Dr. Eri

For over more than 20 years, Dr, Eri’s persuit for woman’s beauty and health and the truth for aging care, treatment will be proposed individualy for the situation of each inflammation and mucosa.

poin2Treatment under a selected heat

Intima Laser will be treated under high heat. However it does not mean higher the heat better effect, we have to choose a temperature not to burn inside the vagina.The right amount of irradiation for the condition and issue.

poin2Safe treatment without pain

Intima Laser is a mucosa irradiation, compared to other laser treatments you will feel less pain.
However at our clinic we provide Anesthetic treatment for a more comfortable treatment.

Most advanced and rewarded Laser Machine

At our Eri Clinic Omotesando we provide the brand FOTONA 「Dynamis」which is approved by the FDA and EU Medical CE
Won the Best Laser Device Award in the Asthetic Award 2016, a medical aesthetic device award chosen by doctors and patients in the U.S. cosmetic medical magazine Asthetic Guide. World’s No. 1 in popularity.


Our clinics treatment

Vaginal Anti aging treatment

Laser irradiation of the vagina stimulates collagen regeneration. The increase in collagen improves vaginal looseness and dryness.

Improves urine leakage

Laser treatment without the usage of scapel improves urinary leakage caused by vaginal loosening after childbirth or due to aging. Irradiation is performed from the inside of the vagina to the anterior part of the vaginal wall (bladder side).
By increasing the thickness of the vaginal wall on the urethral side, it can be expected to tighten the urethra and improve urine leakage.


Treatment Introduction Video


Treatment time 30 minutes (treatment time is about 15 minutes).
downtime No downtime. Sex 3 days after treatment
Treatment session 2-3 times
※1 session is effective however 2-3 times is recommended for a long term effect.
Effecttive duration of treatment Recommendation of once a month for effectiveness
Shower Shower From the Day of Treatment
※We recommend to use the shower that day and no bath

Other Gynecological Issues

  • Forming the shape

    Approached by Plastic cosmetic surgery such as Labia minora reduction

    For further information

  • Issues with darkening

    Dr Eri’s method Pico Laser Toning
    Most advanced device 【Enlighten SR】to improve darkening of the delicate zone

    For further information

  • Issues with wrinkles and sagging

    UltraPulse Encore
    Special laser safely promoting collagen and elastin regeneration

    For further information

  • Issues with the shape in volume

    Hyaluronic acid injection
    Treats to firm the loosening within the vagina Anti aging for the labia majora

    For further information

  • Issues with the female hormone

    Total Hormone Dock to check and improve hormone balance that changes with aging

    For further information

  • Gray hair removal

    Medical needle hair removal
    Reliable hair removal, even from gray hairs that make aging in the delicate areas more noticeable.

    For further information

  • VIO Laser

    Medical Hair Removal Laser
    Medical Hair removal laser 2 types of laser

    For further information

Other options of recommended supplements and external medicine

  • E- Special Multi Supplement, Womans Original


    Vitamins, Minerals, Balance of the Female Hormones

    For further information

  • Super Heme Iron


    Popular supplement for additional Iron especially for woman. For those who plan for pregnacy

    For further information

  • Laennec Placenta PO
    (Human Placental Extract)


    Necessary ingredients for the fetus growth, rich in nutrients

    For further information

  • DHEA


    Supplementing the hormone DHEA, which becomes deficient with age, strengthens the immune system.

    For further information

  • CBD Oil


    To regulate the nervous system, helps with gynecological issues

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  • ・Hydroquinone
    ・Koji Acid


    Eri Clinic Omotesandos Dr Eri’s original prescribed external medicine. To improve darkening of the skin

    For further information



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