Media Coverage
コメント・監修In the TJMOOK, “Ideally, you should be a Pinchan Corori! (on sale November 4, 2021), Eri Katagiri, Director of Eri Clinic Omotesando, commented on the article and introduced the Beauty Manufacturing Institute’s “Beauty Cell Technology Mask” and “E- Special Multi Supplement for Women Premium”

In “TJ MOOK Ideal is Pinchan Corori! (on sale November 4, 2021), Dr. Eri Katagiri, Director of the Eri Clinic Omotesando, commented on “What I, a doctor, am doing that will change things from the cellular level” and introduced the Beauty Manufacturing Institute’s “Beauty Cell Technology Mask” and “I Special Multi Supplement for Women Premium”. Please take a look! Please take a look!
In “YAHOO! News” (distributed on April 30, 2021), Eri Katagiri, Director of Eri Clinic Omotesando, commented and presented the E-Special “Cleansing Gel V”.

In “YAHOO! News” (distributed on April 30, 2021), a special feature entitled “Blackheads, pores, etc. – change your face wash and lotion, and all your pores will tighten up!”, Eri Katagiri, Director or Eri Clinic Omotesando commented and presented the E-Special “Cleansing Gel V“. Check it out!
In “VoCE” (distributed on April 30, 2021), Eri Katagiri, Director of Eri Clinic Omotesando, commented and presented the E-Specoal “Cleansing Gel V”.

In “VoCE” (distributed on April 30, 2021), a special feature entitled “Blackheads, pores, etc. – change your face wash and lotion, and all your pores will tighten up!”, Eri Katagiri, Director or Eri Clinic Omotesando commented and presented the E-Special “Cleansing Gel V“. Check it out!
In “upPLUS online” (distributed on April 26, 2021), Eri Katagiri, Director of Eri Clinic Omotesando, commented and presented the E-Special “Beauty Cell Technology Mask”.

In “upPLUS online” (distributed on April 26, 2021), a special feature entitled “Compiled by dermatologists – we buy these cosmetics because they have good ingredients”, Eri Katagiri, Director of Eri Clinic Omotesando commented, and presented “Beauty Cell Technology Mask“. Check it out!
In the May 2021 issue of “upPLUS”, Eri Katagiri, Director of the Eri Clinic Omotesando, commented and presented the E-Special “Beauty Cell Technology Mask”.

In the “upPLUS” May 2021 issue, a special feature entitled “That’s why we buy these cosmetics – they have good ingredients”, Eri Katagiri, Director of Eri Clinic Omotesando, commented, and presented the E-Special “Beauty Cell Technology Mask“. Check it out!