Media Coverage
Dr. Eri Products Shopping SiteIn the TJMOOK, “Ideally, you should be a Pinchan Corori! (on sale November 4, 2021), Eri Katagiri, Director of Eri Clinic Omotesando, commented on the article and introduced the Beauty Manufacturing Institute’s “Beauty Cell Technology Mask” and “E- Special Multi Supplement for Women Premium”

In “TJ MOOK Ideal is Pinchan Corori! (on sale November 4, 2021), Dr. Eri Katagiri, Director of the Eri Clinic Omotesando, commented on “What I, a doctor, am doing that will change things from the cellular level” and introduced the Beauty Manufacturing Institute’s “Beauty Cell Technology Mask” and “I Special Multi Supplement for Women Premium”. Please take a look! Please take a look!
“Domani Online Salon” (distributed on September 5, 2021) presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Special “Beauty White Mask”.

“Domani Online Salon” (distributed on September 5, 2021), a special feature entitled “In autumn, there’ll be more ‘unexpected sunburns’ so speedy care is key” presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Special “Beauty White Mask“. Check it out!
In “eltha” (distributed on June 25, 2021), Eri Katagiri, Director of Eri Clinic Omotesando, presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Specoal “Tone Up UV”.

In “eltha” (distributed on June 25, 2021), “My Top Cosmetics for the first half of 2021 (Doctor’s Edition)”, Eri Katagiri, Director of Eri Clinic Omotesando, posted a comment and presented the E-Special “Tone Up UV“. Check it out!
“Tarzan” No. 813 presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Special “Dr. Peel Body”.

“Tarzan” No. 813, a special feature entitled “Now, let’s shape up your body so you can take off your clothes – Tarzan style, summer grooming” presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Special “Dr. Peel Body“. Check it out!
In the July 2021 issue of “upPLUS”, Eri Katagiri, Director of the Eri Clinic Omotesando, commented and presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Special “Tone Up UV”.

In the July 2021 issue of “upPLUS”, “My Top Cosmetics for the first half of 2021,” Eri Katagiri, Director of Eri Clinic Omotesando, posted a comment and presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Special “Tone Up UV“. Check it out!
“Mynavi Recommended Navis” (distributed on May 31, 2021) presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Special “Cleansing Gel V”.

Osusume.mynavi (distributed on May 31, 2021), “32 Selected commercial cleansing gels (skin-friendly) for adult acne and pore care” presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Special “Cleansing Gel V“. Check it out!
“Ameba News” (distributed on May 23, 2021) presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Specials “Cleansing Gel V” and “Beauty Cell Technology Mask”.

“Ameba News” (distributed on May 23, 2021), “Cleansing for beautiful skin!? The top cosmetic #Omeza Talk for skin disorders and aging care” presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Special “Cleansing Gel V” and “Beauty Cell Technology Mask“. Check it out!
“FYTTE” (distributed on May 23, 2021) presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Specials “Cleansing Gel V” and “Beauty Cell Technology Mask”.

“FYTTE” (distributed on May 23, 2021), “Cleansing for beautiful skin!? The top cosmetic #Omeza Talk for skin disorders and aging care” presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Specials “Cleansing Gel V” and “Beauty Cell Technology Mask“. Check it out!
“Beauty matome” (distributed on May 12, 2021) presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Specials “Cleansing Gel V” and “Mild Doctor Peel”.

“Beauty matome” (distributed on May 12, 2021), “What is Satomi Ishihara’s favorite skin care!? What are E-Specials?” presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Specials “Cleansing Gel V” and “Mild Doctor Peel“. Check it out!
In “YAHOO! News” (distributed on May 11, 2021), Eri Katagiri, Director of Eri Clinic Omotesando, commented and presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Special “Mild Doctor Peel”.

In “YAHOO! News” (distributed on May 11, 2021), “Well, it works for pores! Three recommended peelings that are the latest in pore care!”, Eri Katagiri, Director of the Eri Clinic Omotesando, posted a comment and presented the Medical Beauty Lab E-Special “Mild Doctor Peel“. Check it out!!